Monday, February 23, 2009

Katie came to town!!!

Well I finally got the wonderful and magnificent Katie Lutts out of the country! Yayayayay! That’s right folks, last week I was graced by the presence of my best friend in the whole wide world! Katie arrived early Saturday afternoon and we didn’t waste any time in getting down to sight-seeing business! Saturday night we attended a fantastic ballet at the infamous Opera Garnier (the theatre of the “Phantom of the Opera”) to see the nephew of my host-mother. The next two days were spent visiting all of the must-see sights, like the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde, Sacre-Coeur, Moulin Rouge, etc. We finished the Paris visit with a charming yet chilly night-time boat tour on the Seine. Then we headed down to Montpellier where we visited my host parents, touched the Mediterranean, and ate as many “sandwichs americains” as possible! I had the most wonderful week and loved every second of having Katie here!
I have attached some photos below of Katie’s visit as well as some pictures that I took Sunday at a parade near Montpellier. The end of February through the middle of March is considered “Le Carnaval.” It is a celebration of the end of winter and the start of spring. Usually there are fairs and parades with people dressed in costumes and masks. This particular parade was in a very small town and yet I was still impressed by the floats and costumes. I hope that you are as well!

Katie at the Mediterranean/Opera Garnier

Me at the Opera/Katie in our box seat

"la dame de fer" at night/Katie eating her first crepe

Katie at the Arc de Triomphe/The Louvre

The Mona Lisa/The Winged Victory


Egyptian-themed float/drunk fishermen float

Greek-themed marching band/Cinderellas dancing

ZORRO!/A walking strawberry

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