Saturday, March 21, 2009

And the "Strike Season" continues

This past week was one touched by greves and manifestations (strikes and public demonstrations). I must be honest in saying that they left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. On Friday, our university had to be shut down due to damage from students the night before. On Thursday night, there had been a student meeting that got out of hand, leading to broken windows and doors and the necessary intervention of the police. Then on Monday, I arrived at 8:30 am to a human chain across the entrance, blocking both students and professors from entering. We waited nearly 45 minutes before giving up and heading home. After I left, I was told that the students started shooting paint balls at anyone trying to enter. REAL mature!
During these protests, students hand out pamphlets describing their cause, which is always the same--Sarkozy is taking from the poor and giving to the rich, diminishing school and university funds each day. I understand that they are upset with the situation and that they would like to see change, but can't they try a different approach because this strike option is proving absolutely nothing! Can you imagine if we tried to do that at UB? Goodness!
Then on Thursday of this week, there was a national strike again and thus no public transportation! Colette drove me to class in the morning but then I had to walk 45 minutes from the university into town and then over an hour to get home (I know, it sounds like something your parents would say when describing how much harder their childhood was--but it was a lot of walking!) Again, I would like to know what resulted from that strike besides me receiving a sunburn and three new blisters from all my walking! Arrrgh! I thought that the "strike season" here in France was over but I was apparently quite mistaken!

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