Friday, April 24, 2009

Preschool Fun

Hello again! I know that this entry is a bit soon after my Spanish adventure one but I wanted to write it before I forget. I only have two weeks left of classes, a week of exams, and then I will be homeward bound! It’s all going by so quickly and I am getting ready to leave JUST as it is starting to get warm here. Oh well, can’t have it all, I suppose.
This entry is to show you the little ones that I have been working with since the beginning of January. Every Friday I go to school with Colette (my French host mother). She teaches a preschool class of 2-3 year olds at an elementary school about ten minutes from where we live. It is an area of Montpellier that many inhabitants, sadly, do their best to avoid. This area is where the majority of North African immigrants come to live, most of whom are from Morocco. These children come from large families living in small houses, often knowing only how to speak Arabic. Many mothers who don’t speak French can’t communicate with the teachers, a sad sight to see. A number of fathers are unemployed and seeking employment but, unfortunately, the prejudice toward immigrants still exists here. This coupled with the economic crisis leaves many of these families desperate. Despite these hardships, the children still come to school and learn French. Hopefully their futures will be a bit easier than the lives of their parents. Enjoy the pictures—today we had a fairy visit and give us the gift of an Egg Hunt!!!

Amine/Some of the class

Jasmine/Rosalie and the fairy telling us about the hunt

Hunting for those eggs/Nabil bringing back the victory basket

Snack time/Some of the boys

Maryam and Soufiane/Yasmina


Monday, April 20, 2009

Uh oh, we're not in France anymore!

Hello there everyone, or should I say HOLA! That's right, I just got back from my 2 week vacation in Spain with my dad and my brother! It was a wonderful trip and we saw so many great places! Aaron and I spent several days together in a small town called Cadaques on the Costa Brava before heading to Barcelona to meet up with my dad. Barcelona was quite a city to see! Unfortunately, I fell very sick with a stomach bug for the last 2 days of that visit, but from the day and a half that I had there--I LOVED IT! Then my dad and I experienced the Spanish high-speed train and to go to Madrid, where we picked up the rental car (deep breaths, dad) and drove to Toledo. Toledo was an old, fortified city with cobblestone streets and an irresistable charm! After Toledo, we spent a couple of days in Cordoba where we were able to watch a very long, interesting religious parade complete with caped men, women, and children. After Cordoba, we set up camp in Ronda, a cute little old town in Southern Spain. We did day trips to Gibraltar (complete with the rock, monkeys, the english language, and fish 'n chips!) and Grazelema. Afterwards, we had ONE more UNESCO site to hit--the Al Hambra (sorry if that's the wrong spelling) in Granada. Then we made our way up the coast and back to Barcelona, where my dad flew home and I took several trains back here to Montpellier. I hope that you enjoy the pics--it was an AMAZING experience!

My best bull cut-out shot/TAPAS

The church and town/the lady who helped Dali

Dali's Statue of Liberty (town center)/Aaron in a Dali egg (on the roof of Dali's house)


Christopher Colombus/The port

Dad at the entrance to Park Guell/Me on the Gaudi bench!

Dad at the AMAZING fruit market/Olympic symbol


The old city from afar

The Main Plaza/The church


The parade!

Dad at the famous gardens/Patio competition!


Our cute little hotel (don't ask me how to get there)!

The first bull ring/Me alluring the bull


The rock/Me next to my favorite monkey

Dad and I at the top/FISH N CHIPS!!!


Rainy day in the center of town

The Alhambra!