Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weekend of FETES!

This past weekend was a bit of a celebratory one!! On Thursday, my group at the university had a picnic together to celebrate our last day of classes. In our group, we have people from China, Japan, Nepal, Sweden, Norway, Spain, the US, England, and more!! It is quite an interesting mix of people and cultures and we had a great semester together!!
This weekend was also the HUGE surprise 60th birthday party for my host father, Christian. We threw the party at a beautiful house with a GREAT view of the city. It was a party that lasted well into the next day and from which I have some WONDERFUL memories.
My roommate, Kate, left today to head back to the US. On Thursday night, we had a family farewell dinner at a great little restaurant in Old Montpellier. Last night, the girls all took Kate out to her favorite—Indian!! We received another roommate today who is called Juri. She is 28 years old and comes from Japan but doesn’t speak a word of French. It is a marvel to see how quickly she learns! It was sad to say goodbye to Kate but all good things must come to an end. I will be heading home on Saturday…I can’t believe it all is ending so quickly!


The entire group before our picnic/Jenna and I with the Chinese guys who LOVE Americans!

The three roomies/Three roomies plus Jenna

Beautiful gardens at the house/POOL!!

Gals chillin by the pool/After Molly lost her balance and fell in the pool (no alcohol in her system)

Singing a song to Christian/THE CAKES!

Roomies plus Colette at family dinner/The gals (minus Molly) at the Indian restaurant


John Succi said...

Hello its John Succi From Mrs.Zicari’s French 2 class. I was wondering If you had any fears or anxieties about new room mate's ? Also Have you had any difficulty communicating with any one, who didnt speak English or French?

Emily H said...

Hey there, I'm Emily H from Mrs. Zicari's French 2 class. Sounds like you had a pretty fun filled weekend! [besides saying goodbye to your old room mate :( ] Oh and those cakes looked really good :P I do have a quick question though; does your new room mate know English? Because I've heard japanese kids learn to speak English pretty fast through school and stuff. So I was just wondering :)