Saturday, September 6, 2008

(and no, Katie Morag is NOT coming too)

Well, today is the big day! I leave in less than 9 hours. I am REALLY hopeful that all goes well and that my friend, Hurricane Hanna, doesn't change my plans, etc. I can't believe that the week has gone by this quickly. Celine was a GREAT send-off and I couldn't have asked for better company than to see it with Grandma. :-) I'm going to try to put pictures in this post to show the amount of clothing I had and how much ended up being packed, kind of a nice little before and after shot. I'm thinking that I will go over the weight limit by quite a bit--we'll see if they let me on! Well, that's all from this end, I'll write next from France!! Au revoir mes amis!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Katelyn!
you had alot of clothes to bring with you! did you bring all of them?! I hope you're having a good school year! I know i am. Miss you!!! I'll write again!

your Buddy,
Clare Z.