Friday, September 19, 2008

First Week of Classes

Hello all!!

I wanted to type a little blog to let everyone know how my first week of classes went!! I can't believe that the week is over already but, at the same time, I am absolutely exhausted!! I am taking grammar courses as well as oral, phonetic courses for around 15 hours per week. I am also taking two elective courses which will be History of Art and Culture and Heritage. Next week I will start my volunteer work at the high school and that makes me VERY happy!!!
The classes are challenging because there is NO english spoken! I am attending an institute for foreign students so the people in my class are from China, Taiwan, the UK, Norway, Russia, etc. We all have different accents and that makes it difficult to understand eachother but I like the challenge. The professors are much more personable than I thought that they would be and that is pleasantly surprising!!
One interesting thing over here is that every other word about the US involves the political race going on right now. Everyone asks me, "You like Obama, right?" They assume that since I am a young college student that I support him. I tell them that I remain in a state of confusion over it all. Hahahaha. All of the editorials are about how great Barack Obama is and how awful McCain is. The French people that I have talked to and read from DO NOT like Sarah Palin and her conservative ways. I find it very interesting that they take such a strong stand on our politics and yet, if you had asked me about my opinions on the French elections last time, I would have no idea who was running or what they stood for.
I continue to eat HUGE dinners followed by the French version of CSI, which my French host mother LOVES. The nights are a nice cooldown for me and I havent been doing the typical French student thing, which is going out most nights to dance clubs and bars. I have been way too pooped this week and would settle for a night-in and a corny French TV show anytime. So that is all for now--I hope that all is going well for my friends and family at home!! I love you and miss you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chelsea wants us to say... "eat up!!"

OH... We're from Mrs. Zicari's senior french class... by the way...

We were wondering if you were going to try out the clubs to see what they're like?

We also want to know if you will be sending in an absentee ballot?

What is the weather like? Do you go to the beach every day?

Thanks for the updates!
__JC, Chelsea, Kat, Becca, and Mrs. Zicari