Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 1

Arc de Triomphe, I am not sure the name, it is just pretty

La Place de la Comedie, A random church that I ran across

Ellen and I at the beach, The Mediterranean Sea

Well week one has passed and it has been quite a week of changes and adjustments. I have loved every second of it all, though. We have travelled to the beach, the aquarium, the zoo, and today there is an art exhibit in store. I love it here because there are always so many things to do and most of them are free!!! I don't think that I will ever be bored here!!!
For those who are wondering, the food has been very tasty. We have only had fish once, much to my relief, and I ate it!! I'll be honest that it was a bit difficult for me but once I got the first bite down, it wasnt so bad. Breakfast is simply a piece of toast and coffee, lunch is a sandwich, and dinner is when the food party hits!! We start with vegetables and then move to meat and then pasta and then cheese and bread followed by a dessert or fruit of some type! There are so many courses to the meal, my stomach is in shock!!! We have had a variety of different meats and last night we had Ratatouille. I asked the couple if they had seen the movie and they had no idea what I was talking about. Im thinking that it would be a great Christmas gift!!! I dont want to write too much because I have some pictures to put in of the sites around here as well as a few from my day at the beach. So I will leave you with those and will write later!! I love you all and miss you!!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see those places in person!! if i save up enough good hard cash! I hope you got a great schedule and you are psyched about starting tomorrow..which will be today for you but yea...anyway I hope you have a wonderful first day of classes and that I'll get to talk to you soon!! love you!!

Anonymous said...

hi katelyn i am glad that u like france. so how r u going to get all ur work down which all those cool things surronding you! well have fun. we all miss ya