Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fathers, Fathers Everywhere...

Hello there!! I hope that all is going well for everyone back in the United States! It looks like the stock market isn't going to COMPLETELY fall in on itself now so that is encouraging for everyone, I am sure! Things must be getting pretty heated over the elections that are just around the corner!! I must say that I do miss the political signs in York lining the overpass for the highway and the HUGE political signs in people's front yards. Tee hee. I imagine that the leaves are beginning to change and fall and that the air is becoming crisp! The change of season is perhaps what I miss most about Maine right now, not including the people there, of course. I will miss the apple picking followed promptly by fresh apple crisp or pumpkin carving and scrumptious pumpkin seeds!! My friends and I want to try to find pumpkins here to carve--I think we might be out of luck. Haha. The weather continues to be sunny and warm and beautiful. On Wednesday, we had our FIRST day of rain since I have been here!! Supposedly September and October are filled with rainy days and then the rest of the year is nice and sunny. From what I have seen, it is always warm and sunny! So yeah, it was strange having to use an umbrella for the bit of drizzle that day.
My interesting thought that I had this morning on my walk was in regards to the strong presence of fathers here. I have spoken with my friends here about the phenomenon of fathers taking an active role in the lives of their children here in Montpellier. It is so refreshing to see!! Here, the norm is to see fathers picking up their children from school, walking the little ones in their strollers, or riding bikes with the older children. Mothers with their children are definitely the minority and it is an aspect of Montpellier that has certainly been surprising. I am lucky enough to have a very loving and involved father who has always taken an interest in all that I do. However, and this is a stereotype I know, I feel like in the US it is far more common to see mothers participating in school events for their kids or taking care of their children afterschool. It is wonderful to see men carrying little pink princess backpacks as their daughters run off to play in the playground or to sit in the park and see father after father walking with a rented pony on which their children are riding. I absolutely love it and it brings a smile to my face every time as it makes me think of my dad and all that he did for Aaron and I. So I guess I will end it here with a special thought and thanks to my daddio--I love you and miss you (and everyone else too)!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Katelyn!

I think you're right about how much more both parents are involved in their children's lives in Europe than in the US. European men aren't "too cool" to do the playground thing or cook meals for their children.
You and Clare really lucked out in the dad department!
I love reading your perceptions of life in France. It reminds me of how so much is the same as when I lived there, and of how much things have changed. In any case, I love the experience of being there through your eyes. Enjoy the good weather! It's been a beautiful October here so far and I'm hoping for a mild winter (a la Montpelier)! We'll see :)
Have a great weekend,