Monday, October 27, 2008

The "Skinny" on the French

It was another exciting weekend here in France!!! On Saturday, my friend and I planned a trip to Toulouse, a city about 2 ½ hours away by train. We found a really great (and cheap!) hotel and stayed for the night! It was a really interesting city, noted for its large number of brick buildings, pink buildings, and violet products. Magnificent cathedrals and basilicas loomed over the tops of the buildings and beautiful public gardens filled with bridges and ponds could be found around every corner. It was certainly a city with a lot to see!!! The highlight of the trip for me was dessert on Saturday night—we found a great ice-cream place and I got Orange Chocolate flavored ice-cream that could stand the competition of Platters, I must say. I had it in honor of all of my loved ones in and from North Tonawanda!!! It was DE-LICIOUS!! I am very very VERY excited for next weekend because my friend and I are going to go to the French Alps, to a sweet little town called Chamonix, and we are going to go paragliding!!!! As the saying goes, “like father, like daughter”, right? Tee hee. I hate to wish my life away but, at the same time, I CAN’T WAIT FOR FRIDAY!!!!

Ok, so I thought that I would perhaps do a bit of a culture-blog, no pics (sorry, I know that pics make it all so much more interesting but hopefully this will still be good). I wanted to comment quickly on French bodies. Hopefully that doesn’t sound too weird, but it is an interesting thing that I have some thoughts on. There was a study done a little while ago and French women are generally perceived to be the skinniest of women in the world. It is interesting because, while there are certainly many skinny French women here, they aren’t all toothpicks, and the same thing goes for the men. Yet it is boggling because rarely do I see anyone overweight here and yet all of these healthy-looking people are eating pain au chocolat and croissants and cream tarts and “sandwich americain” (baguettes with mayo and fries and hamburger) and it just doesn’t seem to fit.

I am no professional on the matter, but in my opinion it is all about the walking. I forget how walking is a necessity here. It dawned on me the other day when I went to go mail some letters—I left the apartment and walked a good 10 minutes or so to get to the post office and then walked 10 more minutes to a grocery store and then walked 10 minutes back to the apartment. To do just those two little tasks, I had to walk for 30 minutes. I am used to the walking by now, and completely love it, but forget how, in the US, the walking for such tasks includes walking to and from the car and that is about it. So the amount of walking here, without being overwhelming, is substantially more than in the US. Another aspect that makes the women perhaps appear skinnier is that they wear clothes that fit them. The clothing isn’t super tight (like far too often in the US) but, instead, is flattering to whatever body shape they might have, showing that they are proud and confident of how they look. These two ideas together, I believe, make a HUGE difference in the body shape and appearance of the French and perhaps, contribute to the “miracle shape” of French women. I am not really sure but what I have to say is, “Pass the pain au chocolat and Nutella crepes, thank you very much!!”


Anonymous said...

You are oh so witty!!

I think your trip this weekend will be totally awesome and that you'll really love the paragliding!

I really liked reading what you had to say about the French and the walking thing- I agree that it makes a HUGE difference and since I may be looked at as an amateur expert in such a thing as health and exercise- I agree with your hypothesis that it's the walking. Any physical activity is better than what us proud Americans do.

Anyway I really liked reading the blog and I hope you are able to find time to write another one again really soon!

-stars and moon


Anonymous said...


You are so right about walking. Here we have to schedule everything (including walking) into our overly busy lives. I lose weight every time I go to Europe, but quickly gain it back when I get home. They're definitely doing something righ!!
We're all enjoying your observations. Keep them coming and have a great Alpine weekend. (Be careful!)

Anonymous said...

That's really neat that you can go to another country and compare the culture with that of America, which is the culture that we are used to. I may want to go to France just to try the food!

yummm crepes and nutella

-Nate from Madame Zicari's French 3 class

Anonymous said...

Hi Katelyn!

I am a student in Mrs. Zicari's French 3 class. I noticed the same thing about the body types compared to Americans when I was in Italy last spring. But another thing to notice is how local things are over in Europe. For the most part everything you need is within a few miles, where as the grocery store that I have to go to is over 5 miles away. I really related to you observation about how much food they actually eat over there. I know when I was in Italy everyone over there was eating gelato and pizza all the time. I have to go to next block now, but I just wanted to let you know that your blog is great and I can't wait to keep hearing from you!


Anonymous said...

You mentioned they have pain au chocolat, what is that actually like? In Japan they have a candy called choco-pan which is little round wafers with a chocolate filling and I was wondering if the french pain au chocolate is similar. Have fun paragliding!!

Alex--Mrs. Zicari's French class

Anonymous said...

You lead such an exciting life. I really enjoy reading about all of your adventures in France!
Your blog is so nicely detailed with all of the pictures and descriptions that it makes you feel like you were right there too. By the way, the food in your last blog looked AMAZING! *DROOL*
I actually noticed something similar about the walking. This past summer I went to a camp at UNH and I had to walk at least , as a sum, a few miles a day. It definitely helped to keep the weight off.
Have fun in the Alps, I look forward to hearing about the paragliding.
-Amber from Madame Zicari's French 3 class

Anonymous said...


I'm very interested in the French culture, and I am intrigued by the information I am getting out of reading your blogs. I find it very interesting that the French walk more than us. When I think about it, it makes sense, but if I hadn't given it some thought, I never would've known.

I hope to visit France one day. It is my dream to move there when I graduate, so hopefully my dream will come true.

I'll be waiting to read the next blog.

Do you think it would be possible to take pictures of some road signs or store signs (en francais)?

Live life to the fullest over there.

-Marissa (Student in Mrs. Zicari's French 2 Class)

Anonymous said...

hi, im from ms zicarri's french one class and I am really injoying reading what you are doing in france and find it interesting how the body shapes are all quite similar, thanks for doing this blog, it's teaching me a whole lot

-French Student 2012

Anonymous said...

Hi Katelyn I'm Emily H from Mrs. Zicari's French 2 class and I love your blog!

I think you could definately be right about the walking thing, we dont really walk much here but I've heard from various different sources that people in Europe walk much more than we do here. That and I'm pretty sure the WAY they eat their meals in France probably contribute to their healthy lifestyles. Even though they eat a lot of starches and chocolate stuff, from what I've heard they eat the bigger meal in the middle of the day, like dinner for lunch or something, and a small meal for dinner. I've heard that eating that way is better for your health. I'm not exactly sure about all of that but it may have something to do with their healthy figures! :) I just figured that I'd give you something else to think about haha. Well have a nice time with the rest of your vacation!

Anonymous said...

This is so interesting!! I never really thought about why they are so thin. They do eat a lot of foods that are full of fats and calories. Maybe if americans walk more then they will not be as fat.
I think that you will make a great french teacher!!

- Braelan from Mrs. Zicari's French 2

Anonymous said...

Katelyn, it's so interesting that french women are all healthy and fit even though they eat such calorie-filled foods. It has to be all of the walking! Have fun paragliding! Can't wait to read more about your adventures in France.

- Alexis (Zicari French II)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katelyn!

I'm a student in Mrs. Zicari's French 2 class. Sounds like you're having fun over there in France. It was really interesting what you had to say abou the French women and I agree that the walking makes the difference. In the U.S. we don't really do a lot of walking on a day to day basis so it's cool hearing about all of the cultural differences. I love reading your blog because the way you write it makes peple feel like they're right there with you. Have fun on your trip to the Alps and take lots of pictures! Can't wait to read all about the paragliding!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Katelyn!
It is so interesting to hear about your take on the generalization of all French people are thin. It's a good point that they do more walking than us and wear better clothes, so it just seems that way. Have fun in the Alps! Do you ski?

-Hannah (Madame Zicari's french 2 class)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katelyn,
I love reading your blog! It is great to hear all of this from someone who is actually in France! You are so lucky that you get to do all of this.

You are so right about people walking more in France compared to the US. I noticed that this summer when I rode my bike a lot to get places. When I told people they were like "Oh my you rode your bike all that way! I could give you a ride you know." but is was only 6 miles so it was not even much so I was surprised that they thought it was. Lots of people thought that I was forced to like it was a punishment, but I was only doing it because I wanted to. It was just kind of funny how they looked at it and how dependent on cars we are.

I am excited for the next entry. I love reading you blog.

~Colleen~Mrs. Zicari's French 3

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lot of walking, but I bet it was neat getting to see the town that you were describing. The food sounds really good too. I thought it was interesting that the people from France are so skinny like you said, and they eat so much food, with a lot of calories. Have fun in the Alps.

Tim from Mrs. Zicari's French 2 Class

Anonymous said...

Hi Katelyn,
What you said about French women is really interesting, and it makes alot of sense. It must be neat to live in a place where health is a normal thing for most people, and it seems like being that way doesn't take alot of effort, it's just the lifestyle. My aunt and uncle live in France and they said the food was really good and that, like you, they do alot of walking. Do you like living that kind of active lifestyle or is kind of exausting? I really like your blog, it is so cute and it's alot of fun to read what you've been doing over in France. Looking forward to your next blog, thank you!

Rachel French 3 Mrs. Zicari