Monday, October 6, 2008


Okay, I finally have the pictures uploaded and ready for everyone to see. I am sorry that I am a little bit late on this but it is difficult not having access to the internet at home!! These pictures are highlights from last weekend and the weekend before. The first weekend is when I went to the zoo and then I also visited a city nearby named Nîmes. The city is filled with ancient Roman ruins, as you can see, and the weekend that I went was a big festival so there were vendors on the streets selling EVERYTHING, various bands marching around playing music and dressed in themes (my favorite one was the group dressed as "schtroumphs" or, in english "smurfs"). There was a beautiful garden where we found this tower that overlooks the whole city. It was magnificent. The following weekend there was a festival at another town named Palavas, right on the beach. Again, there were vendors of all sorts and then they had bull-herding, which i took a picture of. They started at one end of the beach and put three or four bulls in the center of a circle of horses and rode them to the other end of the beach. Everyone stood on the beach, nearly getting squashed by the horses as they came by, and the children liked to chase the horses. I love the picture that I got because you can see the children trailing after the smoke of the bull herd. I hope that you enjoy the photos and there will be more to come soon!! Peace and love to all!!!

Fun at the Zoo/Bull Event at Palavas

Bizarre standing toilet/Temple carré

Tower overlooking Nîmes/Hat Fun with Beth

Ruins Gardens/Roman Ruins

Church in Nîmes/Colosseum in Nîmes

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